Thursday 28 July 2011

Creative Days

It has been a good week to be creative.  This week I had two scrap meets on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Tuesday's meet was just a casual meet at the craft store while Wednesday's meet was a workshop at my consultant's home.

At the workshop we created a sphere page layout.  You need up to 9 photos of scenery, gardens or whatever you think is best to do this one.  To me I think sport photos would suit the layout better because it looks more like a basketball when completed.  I didn't get the time to print out extra photos for this workshop so I used someone else's beach scenery photos to do one.  But I am not really happy with it so I am going to recreate the template again.  One side of the template doesn't even up with the other side.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Scrap workshop

This afternoon I had my first workshop for July at my consultant's home. It's now been 13 years since I was introduced to scrapbooking with Creative Memories.  Of course I have met afew consultants in my life and there is only been two I have been with the longest.  The current lady I have been with since her son was a baby.  Now her child is in year 1. 

Over the 13 years there has been alot of new products introduced.  Some products stayed while others were only available for a limited time.

This afternoon's workshop was one of the latest products used. It was one of the Creative Cuts templates with love and floral theme on it. It's about 12 inch long and it's a very similar use like Friskars brand.  I think it was out sometime last year but in June CM had a 2 for 1 deal going with some of the tools we used. 

I managed to created three pages with using this template. I decided to go back to finish off the Graduation Album from last year.  I only got another couple of subjects to do in this album and then it will be finished.

Friday 1 July 2011

Scrapbooking Tips

I started to do digital scrapbooking in June. Compared to traditional style, I am amazed how quickly to create a page on the computer. I found a program I used online, downloaded and then created half an album from Dreamworld photos. It's hard to believe we taken so many photos from the theme park in the last twelve months. I haven't decided after printing these pages if I will continue these pages as digital or used the hybrid method where Digital and traditional method comes together.

For those who still do traditional scrapbooking I have five tips to share with you all.

No 1 - Choose a focal point photo.  Treat other photos as accessories that help you to tell the rest of the story.  As we read from left to right, the top left hand corner is an excellent point for your focal point photo when you have several photos you want to use on your layout.

No 2 - You don't have to mat every single photo on your page layout, unless you want your photos to stand out from the background.  Always mat your focal point photo though.

No 3 - Run out of adhesive mounts/tape to hold down your ribbon to the page.  Try tacking down the ribbon using brads at each end.

No 4 - Want an eye catching background??  Cut a piece of patterned paper into a large curved shape and attach it to your cardstock. It instantly creates visual interest to your background.  You can also add visual interest to your background by your punches from your cardstock.  Add these page accents to help you create an interesting background design.

No 5 - Wrap ribbons around your focal point photo to add emphasis.